Monday, January 18, 2010

Some recent pics

Enjoying zoolights - It was a COLD night, but a good time was had by all. (above - the kids trying to stay warm in the stroller with many layers and hoping for hot cocoa. below - Poppa is testing out his glasses)
Sitting on Santa's lap - Amazing to finally have 2 kids smiling in the picture:)
Mom and I found these hats in Grandpa Pal's basement and couldn't resist having all the boys wear them for present time on Christmas Day. And yes - they are packed up and ready for next Christmas.
Building a snowman with Geepa while Nettie was sledding down the hill.
Nettie loved sledding - Thanks to Geema and Geepa for the fun sleds for Christmas!

Geema taking a run down the hill

1 comment:

Kathleen, Paul, Lily and Annie! said...

The blog looks great! I almost used that same background!