Monday, January 18, 2010

Some recent pics

Enjoying zoolights - It was a COLD night, but a good time was had by all. (above - the kids trying to stay warm in the stroller with many layers and hoping for hot cocoa. below - Poppa is testing out his glasses)
Sitting on Santa's lap - Amazing to finally have 2 kids smiling in the picture:)
Mom and I found these hats in Grandpa Pal's basement and couldn't resist having all the boys wear them for present time on Christmas Day. And yes - they are packed up and ready for next Christmas.
Building a snowman with Geepa while Nettie was sledding down the hill.
Nettie loved sledding - Thanks to Geema and Geepa for the fun sleds for Christmas!

Geema taking a run down the hill

Friday, January 15, 2010

Finally an update...

I think I am getting better at updating, but it has still be over a month, although I am going to have to send the link out to family and friends again to welcome in the new year - Yes, Julie Kay Marie I am talking about you:)

Happy New Year to everyone! It is nice to be in another new year although I tend to not make resolutions anymore, at least not once a year. I am working on continually improving myself - organization, working out, etc... Nettie learned about resolutions this year and had a list of about 10, all of which seem to have gone by the wayside, except watch less TV, we have control over that one!
This is going to be another busy year in the Wismer household. Nettie has been attending private kindergarten this year at her daycare. We have noticed some changes in her writing, and she is trying to read more. She enjoys going to school most days, but we think that most days it is more day care that school, so we have decided that she will attend kindergarten again in the fall at our home school. She should be starting kindergarten next year anyway, so the last year has been good preparation and will hopefully only help her to succeed. We attended an open house and learned about what she will be doing and thanks to the stimulus package we have free full day kindergarten, which we believe is a big plus for Nettie. It gives her additional time in the classroom and will allow her to have more time to learn the basics.
John is doing great, he is getting ready to turn 3 next month, and we are remembering how much fun a 3 year old can be. There are moments that Ben and I both have to stop, count to 10, and remember we survived one 3 year old, we can survive another. John will be going to potty training boot camp in the next few weeks, he seems to be ready. He can tell us when he needs to change his diaper, wants to put on his own underwear and seems interested, so why not try? John has been talking more and now loves to be able to tell us what he wants, thinks or needs. He is also turning into quite the negotiator. He loves playing with cars and trucks and trains and keeps us laughing when his guys are driving the trucks.
John has been talking more as well, but a disadvantage of more talking, is more talking back. So, John is also learning what time out is, and how much it stinks to lose toys. I am still trying to figure out how to get to him and so far the main thing is closing his bedroom door. He HATES that, so when he is really in trouble the door gets closed. He learns his lesson for about an hour.
Hope all is well with everyone. Pictures to be posted soon!