Sunday, March 1, 2009

A boy and his dress

In the spirit of John always wanting to be like his big sister, he decided to dress up the other night. Now, his Dad didn't want this picture taken, but I figured, he looks so proud and he promptly said 10 minutes later "OFF!"
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Dr. Nicole Skalsky said...

OMGosh! This is hysterical! I remember dressing up my younger brother in my mom's high heels, lipstick, and fancy hair clips when he was about 4 years old. My dad sent me to my room.... :)

EvaBunny said...

I don't think this is a nightmare. He still has an innocence about him which is perfectly acceptable for his age.

When my youngest brother was this same age, he wanted a doll for Christmas. My mom and dad did not make him feel bad about wanting one - instead they got him one, and it was his favorite toy that year. I don't think this negatively impacted his life at all, if anything, it brought out his tender side, which women appreciate.