Sunday, April 20, 2008

Springtime in Colorado

Today is one of those great Colorado days where you get to spend the day outside after snow earlier in the week. We had about 5 inches of snow on Thursday - I love being able to be at home on the days it snows! - and this weekend we have been in the 70s. The springtime has been busy as usual for all of us. John is still considering the advantages of walking, however, his speed at crawling seems to deter any thoughts he has of permanetly making the change. They have moved him into the next room at achool, so he spends more time trying to walk, so maybe by Ben's birthday he is will running with the rest of them. Nettie is enjoying school still and has made lots of friends. She continues to amaze us with the things she learns and remembers. She had her first dentist appointment this week and was a champ in the dentist chair! I was so proud of her, she was excited and so happy to show off her teeth to the dentist. She even was patient while I got my teeth cleaned. For that, they gave her 2 prizes, plus a new toothbrush! We have had a good March and April so far. In March we enjoyed Easter with Uncle Paul and Anut Kathleen and the rest of Tiffany's family. Nettie enjoyed an Easter Egg Hunt and John loved the stuffed French Toast! John is our eating machine right now. He seems to be amking up for lost time, eating about every 2 hours and out eating his 3 year old sister at most meals. April brought Grandpa Jack to town for a weekend. It was a fun weekend, we went to a Rockies game on Sunday (opening weekend) and enjoyed sometime with Grandpa Jack and the Evashevski's. Geema and Geepa got home from their 5 week trip and we have been able to spend some time with them during the month. It is fun to be able to have family so close for the kids to grow up with. Here are some pictures from the last month. Hope all is well!

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