So the last 3 month have flown by and obviously I haven't written! Things here have been going well. The end of the summer flew by with lots of fun with family and friends. Grandpa Jack came into town in early September for a visit which was fun. The kids enjoyed seeing Grandpa Jack and getting to spend time with him. October brought visits from Ben's aunts and uncles, which is always fun, and Nettie and John enjoyed getting to know them all a little better.
Both kids are changing everyday. Nettie turned 3 on October 10th and enjoyed her birthday so much that everyday she asks if it is her birthday. She is turning into a big kid and enjoys all the things that she gets to do now. Plus, she is a great helper around the house and with John. The best part of watching Nettie and John this that they really love each other. Every morning they wake up and smile at each other and love to play together. Nettie is starting to work on spelling words and everyday learns something new.
John is getting bigger everyday. He is starting to learn to sign which has been fun and makes our lives a little easier. He is also starting to clap which is funny to watch, as he claps he loves to scream and let everyone know he is around. He has been crawling for over 3 months, and he is still working on trying to walk. Luckily this hasn't happened as quickly as I thought it was going to, but it will happen sooner rather than later.
We are getting excited for the holidays, and will work on being more consistent with updates.
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