Monday, August 13, 2007

Here we go again

It always seems to me that football season comes more quickly each year. As we sart to look towards Nettie's birthday party, which I plan on the bye week for the Broncos, it strikes me that we are in for a LONG 6 months. Ben will tell you the next 6 months are short, but for me, they are the longest of the year. It is constant planning and trying to make sure that we are near a TV during the Bronco game. I have to say that TIVO has helped the situation, we have actually been able to do a few things during games since we can now record the games easily.
I knew all this when I married Ben 6 years ago, and I would never change it. But I can honestly say that I look forward to January!

Life in the Wismer house is grand. Nettie is getting to be more of a kid by the minute, she talks constantly and loves to play with toys that are a little more challenging now. She has started to enjoy puzzles more, and likes play dough and coloring. John is amazing. We have known from the start he was going to be a mover and a shaker, but as he is now crab crawling all over we have to be quick to keep up with him. Nettie is also learning that what she doesn't want John to get, she has to put where he can't reach. Of course, since he pulled himself up last night, I think those days are numbered as well. It is interesting to have a baby that moves this early, he can't sit for longer than 1 minute, but he can move from one end of the room to the other in 3 seconds. We also started him on cereal this last week which seems to be a hit. We take him for his 6 month check up in a couple of weeks, so I will update more soon!

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