I have decided that there are definite differences in life since having 2 kids. I am sure that I had to readjust to life after going back to work with Nettie, but for some reason I feel that I am a total scatterbrain now. (Yes, I do know that I was one before it just seems to have gotten worse) I think the 2 kids thing is relatively easy, except for the fact that I continue to forget to buckle Nettie in and she has to remind me to do it. We have a pretty good routine down and Ben and I are both enjoying the 2 munchkins. It is the house that is suffering. I have spent the last week trying to get everything back in order since going back to work but have realized a few things...
1. If you have been so kind and sent us a gift and are wondering if we are going to send you a Thank you note, let me be the first to apologize. I have written many and have tried to remember everyone, but in my current state of absent mindedness I am not positive. We want everyone to know that we appreciate the gifts, thoughts, prayers, kind words and every one's loving support.
2. If I am supposed to remember to get you something or do something for you, it is best to call me, e-mail me, basically tell me as many times as you ca, or I will probably forget.
3. The most important part of my day is when I am with my family, and luckily they are all understanding and I couldn't ask for anything better, so I guess for a little while longer I might just be a little ADD. ( I thought when you weren't pregnant, the pregnant and stupid went away!)
Life with 2 kids is always interesting, it makes me appreciate people who have more than 2 kids and it really makes Ben and I both appreciate our parents and all that they have done over the years. The kids keep us laughing, especially Nettie, she says the funniest things. John is starting to come into his personality. I have a feeling he is truly going to be his father's son. He is already as easy going as Ben, and his face lights up whenever anyone smiles his direction.
1 comment:
Tiff, Hang in there, it does get easier!
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