So the month of July has been a busy month that was full of a lot of eye opening changes. The month started with a fun 4
th of July weekend. We spent time at the pool with Ben's family and Nettie was able to show us all that she has
learned in swimming this year. She is still timid in the water, but she is learning. By next summer she will be able to go in the big pool hopefully. John loved the water, and enjoyed floating around the big pool in his
floatie, and using it to support him in the baby pool. Then we had the 4
th of July parade in Tiffany's parents neighborhood. As usual it was fun and this year we had a first. Nettie rode her bike with all the other kids. There was one spill that was partially
Mommie's fault as I tried to slow her down on a hill (thanks to her helmet she did not hurt herself). She loved riding her bike and John loved driving the truck with
Poppie. We have been trying to have Nettie ride her bike when she can, it is nice to be able to leave the double stroller at home.
In mid-July Tiffany was supposed to travel to Costa Rica for work. Due to travel
restrictions the trip was cancelled at the last minute. The night the trip was cancelled, we decided since the weekend was so free it would be a good time to move John out of his crib. We took the crib down that night, and he LOVED his new bed. He was very ready to move, although he had never crawled out of the crib, he was asking to sleep in Nettie's bed every night. So it is official, the
Wismer kids are big kids.
John is talking up a storm and repeats everything, so it is important to watch what we say. He is enjoying being moved into a classroom with older kids. We are hoping that the move will also bring increased desire to use the potty. While I cried the whole weekend we took the crib down, I may throw a party when the diapers are gone!
Nettie is getting
excited. While she is too young to start Kindergarten in the county, she will be starting the private kindergarten at her day care this year. Her friend Athena, who has been gone from school for about a year returned this week, so that has made school even better. She loves to go to school to see all her friends. She will also start going 5 days a week this fall since she will be in a classroom setting. We can then decide going forward if she will go into first grade
in the fall or do another year of kindergarten. She is also going to start gymnastics in the fall, so she will be busy.
Ben and Tiff have been keeping busy with the kids and trying to keep up at work. Tiffany still has to go to Costa Rica, just not sure when that will be. We planted
tomatoes and pumpkins in the spring, but due to a major storm that came though last week, we have lost most of what we planted. We are hoping the flowers come back. We were lucky, Mom and Dad's neighborhood was hit very hard and there was a lot of damage.
We are looking forward to Ben's birthday and celebrating with his family this weekend. August will still be busy, but there are lots of fun events planned including Fantasy football, family parties and
BBQ's with friends.
I will post some pictures soon!